My Blog about the various things I like and some of the things I discover from time to time.

Are You Still Working Too Hard?

People in the United States might be going at too fast a pace to make their sanity certain. Dr. John W. Thompson of Harvard University told the American Association for Advancement of Science that both physical and mental work appeared to be wearing down the nerves and reflexes of human beings who worked too hard in any activity. 

Fatigue of the mind and nerve cells was apparently one of the major causes of mental illness, which kept about one out of every 10 persons in the country under medical and institutional care, he declared. 

In a recent experiment at the University of Chicago in which students were kept awake for two days by violent stimulation, the students appeared to go partially crazy and kicked and bit each other on the slightest provocation.

By the way, this was written in 1938!

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