My Blog about the various things I like and some of the things I discover from time to time.

Are You Still Working Too Hard?

People in the United States might be going at too fast a pace to make their sanity certain. Dr. John W. Thompson of Harvard University told the American Association for Advancement of Science that both physical and mental work appeared to be wearing down the nerves and reflexes of human beings who worked too hard in any activity. 

Fatigue of the mind and nerve cells was apparently one of the major causes of mental illness, which kept about one out of every 10 persons in the country under medical and institutional care, he declared. 

In a recent experiment at the University of Chicago in which students were kept awake for two days by violent stimulation, the students appeared to go partially crazy and kicked and bit each other on the slightest provocation.

By the way, this was written in 1938!

Mouse Trap

The have-a-heart did the trick!

Pop-up Thunderstorm Timelapse July 16, 2013 - Geuaga Co. Ohio

Looking SSW toward some pop-up thunderstorms that developed along the lake breeze 
front between noon and 1 PM local EDT on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 from west central 
Geauga County, Ohio.

Worm Eaters DVD - Horrible Movie

Storm Clouds over Back Yard

Was getting storm warnings on my phone, and watch the radar as the storm is heading toward our house. But just as it was about to reach our house it went in a different direction.

It was a very dramatic evening.

Ground Hog on steps

She likes to sit on the back steps of the house next door. She seems to be enjoying the view of the lake. She has a little baby that came up to me, but the tyke ran off before I could get a picture.

Memorial Day 50 Years Ago 1963

Mayville, N.Y.

Every year there is the Memorial Day Parade, starting in town and goes down the big hill to end at the cemetery.

The best part, as a 10 year old kid, was the free ice cream afterwards in the park next to the fountain with the boy and girl statutes under their umbrella.

Well, that year someone thought it would be a good idea to have me recite from memory The Gettysburg Address.  Not a long thing to remember, just read it out loud 50 times and there you go.

So 3 weeks short of my 11th birthday, I stand before several hundred people when it was my turn to speak.  Looking upon all the faces looking at me, after they had heard fron many previous speakers, mostly veterans and elected officials, I knew they listened to them, then here I am, a little kid, having to say something that President Abraham Lincoln said, which at that time was 99 years ago.

This all of a sudden in an instant seemed to me clearly to be a turning point mile stone.  Either do it right or stumble and embarrassingly mess it up. So I began, and after what seemed like an eternity it was over.  I did it. And rather well too I was told.

Looking back, that day set my assertive personality.

But at that time the best part was the free ice cream.

Early Spring Flowers

The yellow and purple are Pansies growing in the pot from last year.

Purples are Violets, only an inch tall.

Blue ones,  don't know,  just very small. Less than an inch growing in a crack in the patio.

And last are daffodils.

The rose bushes and the Japanese maple are just starting to bud.

-2° f in a Smart Car

Crazy cold air blast in NE Ohio!  I was driving in the rural area and at a low spot with clear skies this was on my dash.