My Blog about the various things I like and some of the things I discover from time to time.

April Fools Day Beaver 2008

So earlier in the day, the wind was howling outside, and there was a strong gust, so I call out to my wife, "Wow, there are fish falling from the sky!" knowing that it was Aprils Fools Day and all.
So she leaps up off the couch to look out the windows towards our dock, and I say "April Fools!"

A few hours later, I am in the office and she starts yelling that there is a beaver in the lake for me to come look. Naturally I thought since it was still April Fools Day that she was trying to get me. So I say, "yea, yea, sure, I wil be right there" and I just stayed in the office. She said "there really is one out there, get out here!"

In all the 6 years of living on the lake, I have not seen a beaver. Turns out there was, and a pretty good sized one at that with a great big 'ol flat tail, it was in the water near shore where clams were put in years ago as part of the lake restoration. The beaver was chowing down on the clams. So the joke was on me after all.

I ran outside with the video camera, but it was already swimming towards the 'lagoon' as we call it, so I missed the beaver eating the clams. We will keep an eye out for it again.

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