My Blog about the various things I like and some of the things I discover from time to time.

2nd week at Western Sizzlin

This is the picture of the cow for the steakhouse logo. My 1st week has gone by, and it seems to get busier every day.

The cow above didn't make it, ha ha. They cut their own meat there, and Norman the butcher is a very unusual person to say the least.
I am schedualed for 4 nights a week, from 5 to close, at 11pm, and Sunday 10 to 4 and that is the busiest day, line around the building.
The french fryers need to be filtered every night, and weight a ton and are like 350 degrees so you pick it up and pour the grease into an empty fryer through a fitler that looks like a giant coffee filter. Yikes. The new grease comes in a 5 gallon can, it is peanut oil.
Steve the owner stands over us at the end of the night to make sure we mop the floor right, after a week you'd think we knew how already.

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